Our Passion, Your Power

JLA Hydro is a Belgian based company specialized in the design, manufacturing and installation of tailor-made small power turbogenerators

Key figures

Key player in the small hydro sector since 1980

More than 40 years of expertise in hydropower

1 workshop and 1 design office

+135 installations worldwide

+4000 kW of cumulated installed capacity


Proven know-how with more than 100 installations on 4 continents.

2 months ago

JLA Hydro
130 kW sous une chute nette de 66,4 m. C’est notre petite dernière. Ce groupe a été mis en service la semaine dernière au Japon.130 kW under a net head of 66,4 m. This is our last baby. It was commissioned last week in Japan.#JLA #energíarenovable #energía #innovation #technology #future #RenewableEnergy #alternativeenergy #renewables #energytransition #electricity #manufacturing #energygeneration #hydropower #hydroelectric #greenenergy #cleanenergy #sustainability #engineering #mechanicalengineering #hydro #microhydro #puissancehydro #énergiesrenouvelables #turbine ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

JLA Hydro
While we currently have teams in Japan and France commissioning hydro equipment, one of our turbines is being delivered to site in Montana in the USA by the customer using a zip line. That’s a first for JLA Hydro 😎Alors que nous avons actuellement des équipes au Japon et en France pour des mises en service de nos équipements, une de nos turbines est livrée sur site dans le Montana aux USA par le client au moyen d’une tyrolienne. C’est une première pour JLA Hydro 😎#JLA #energíarenovable #energía #innovation #technology #future #RenewableEnergy #alternativeenergy #renewables #energytransition#electricity #manufacturing #energygeneration #hydropower #hydroelectric #greenenergy #cleanenergy #sustainability #engineering #mechanicalengineering #hydro #microhydro #puissancehydro #énergiesrenouvelables #turbine ... See MoreSee Less
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